10 March, 2011

(100-5) 生 sinh

::: 生   生   生   生   生   生   生   生 :::(shēng) sinh:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 生 (shēng): sinh -->> ý nghĩa: sinh đẻ, sinh sống
* Stroke: pie, heng, heng, shu, heng (5 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) A young plant rising from the ground .
* Word detail:
* (shēng): to be born, grow, live, life, living; KangXi radical 100
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

09 March, 2011

(99-5) 甘 cam

::: 甘   甘   甘    甘   甘   甘   甘 :::(gān) cam:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 甘 (gān): cam -->> ý nghĩa: ngọt
* Stroke: heng, shu, shu (or shu gou), heng, heng (5 strokes) (Sau cùng bịt đáy)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. (Chỉ sự) Picture of tongue with indicator mark pointing to area where sweetness is tasted.
* Word detail:
* (gān): sweetness, sweet; abbr. for Gansu Province 甘肅省; KangXi radical 99
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(98-5) 瓦 ngõa

::: 瓦   瓦   瓦   瓦   瓦   瓦   瓦   瓦 :::(wǎ) ngõa:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 瓦 (wǎ,): ngõa -->> ý nghĩa: ngói
* Stroke: heng, pie, ti, heng wan gou, dian (5 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a interlocking roof tiles.
* Word detail:
* (wǎ): tiles, roof tile; abbr. for 瓦特, watt (loan); KangXi radical 98
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(97-5) 瓜 qua

::: 瓜   瓜   瓜   瓜   瓜   瓜   瓜   瓜 :::(guā) qua:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 瓜 (guā): qua -->> ý nghĩa: quả dưa
* Stroke: pie, pie, shu ti, dian, na (5 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of vines (from gourds or melons).
* Word detail:
* (guā): melon, gourd (quả bầu), squash (quả bí), cucumber; KangXi radical 97
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(96-5) 玉 * ngọc

::: 玉   玉   玉   玉   玉   玉   玉   玉 :::(yù) ngọc:::
::: 王   王   王   王   王   王   王   王 :::(wáng, wàng, )
* Character detail:
Bộ 玉 (yù) [uy]: ngọc -->> ý nghĩa: đá quý, ngọc
* Stroke: heng, heng, shu, heng, dian (5 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a string of jade pieces.
* Variant: (王 wáng, wàng, yù - 4 strokes: heng, heng, shu, heng)
* Word detail:
* (yù): gem, jade, precious stone; KangXi radical 96
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(95-5) 玄 huyền

::: 玄   玄   玄   玄   玄   玄   玄   玄 :::(xuán) huyền:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 玄 (xuán, xuàn) [uy+en]: huyền -->> ý nghĩa: màu đen huyền, huyền bí
* Stroke: dian, heng, pie zhe, pie zhe, dian (5 strokes)
* Note: components = (8) 亠 đầu + (52) 幺 yêu
* Word detail:
* (xuán): black, misterious; KangXi radical 95
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(94-4) 犬 * khuyển

::: 犬   犬   犬   犬   犬   犬   犬   犬 :::(quǎn) khuyển:::
::: 犭   犭   犭   犭   犭   犭   犭   犭 :::(quǎn)
* Character detail:
Bộ 犬 (quǎn) [uy+en]: dog; khuyển -->> ý nghĩa: con chó
* Stroke: heng, pie, na, dian (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a dog
* Variant: (犭 - 3 strokes: pie, wan gou, pie)
* Word detail:
* (quǎn): dog; KangXi radical 94
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(93-4) 牛 * ngưu

::: 牛   牛   牛   牛   牛   牛   牛   牛 :::(níu) ngưu:::
::: 牜   牜   牜   牜   牜   牜   牜   牜 :::
* Character detail:
Bộ 牛 (níu) [niếu]: ngưu -->> ý nghĩa: trâu
* Stroke: pie, heng, heng, shu (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an ox's head.
* Variant: (牜 - 4 strokes: pie, heng, shu, ti)
* Word detail:
* (níu): cow, ox, bull; (slang) awesome; KangXi radical 93
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(92-4) 牙 nha

::: 牙   牙   牙   牙   牙   牙   牙   牙 :::(yá) nha:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 牙(yá,yà): tooth; nha -->> ý nghĩa: răng
* Stroke: heng, shu zhe, shu gou, pie (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an upper and a lower tooth touching.
* Word detail:
* (yá): tooth, teeth, molars (răng hàm); ivory; KangXi radical 92
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(91-4) 片 phiến

::: 片   片   片   片   片   片   片   片 :::(piàn) phiến:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 片 (piàn, piān, pàn): slice; phiến -->> ý nghĩa: mảnh, tấm, miếng
* Stroke: pie, shu, heng, heng zhe (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of half of a piece of wood .
- Mirror image of .
* Word detail:
* (piàn): thin piece, slice; KangXi radical 91
* (piān): disc; sheet
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(90-4) 爿 * tường

::: 爿   爿   爿   爿   爿   爿   爿   爿 :::(qiáng) tường:::
::: 丬   丬   丬   丬   丬   丬   丬   丬 :::(qiáng)
* Character detail:
Bộ 爿 (qiáng, pán): tường -->> ý nghĩa: mảnh gỗ, cái giường
* Stroke: shu zhe, shu, heng, pie (4 strokes)
* Variant: (丬 qiáng - 3 strokes: shu, dian, ti)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of half of a piece of wood .
- Mirror image of .
* Word detail:
* (qiáng, pán): half of a tree truck; KangXi radical 90
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

08 March, 2011

(89-4) 爻 hào

::: 爻   爻   爻   爻   爻   爻   爻   爻 :::(yáo) hào:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 爻 (yáo, xiào): hào -->> ý nghĩa: hào âm, hào dương (Kinh Dịch)
* Stroke: pie, na, pie, na (4 strokes) (Phảy trước Mác sau)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. (Chỉ sự) The two depicts (mô tả) the idea of mutual interaction (sự tương tác, sự ảnh hưởng).
* Word detail:
* (yáo): diagrams of divination (sự tiên đoán), hào (hào âm, hào dương); KangXi radical 89
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(88-4) 父 phụ

::: 父   父   父   父   父   父   父   父 :::(fù) phụ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 父 (fù, ): father; phụ -->> ý nghĩa: cha
* Stroke: pie, dian, pie, na (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Originally,a picture of a hand with a stone ax.
- (假借) Phonetic Loan. (Giả tá) Original form of (hatchet).
* Word detail:
* (fù): father; KangXi radical 88
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(87-4) 爪 * trảo

::: 爪   爪   爪   爪   爪   爪   爪   爪 :::(zhǎo) trảo:::
::: 爫   爫   爫   爫   爫   爫   爫   爫 :::(zhuǎ, zhǎo) (Keyboard: 爫Zhao zi tou er zhao )
* Character detail:
Bộ 爪 (zhǎo, zhuǎ): claw; trảo -->> ý nghĩa: móng vuốt cầm thú
* Stroke: pie, pie, shu, na (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a hand or a claw.
* Variant: (爫 zhuǎ, zhǎo - 4 strokes: pie, dian, dian, dian (XEM cách viết để viết cho chính xác chữ này): claw, animal foot, nail
* Word detail:
* (zhǎo): claw; KangXi radical 87
* (zhuǎ): claw
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(86-4) 火 * hỏa

::: 火   火   火   火   火   火   火   火 :::(huǒ) hỏa:::
::: 灬   灬   灬   灬   灬   灬   灬   灬 :::(biāo, hǒu)
* Character detail:
Bộ 火 (huǒ, huō): fire; hỏa -->> ý nghĩa: lửa
* Stroke: dian, dian, pie, na (4 strokes) (Phảy trước Mác sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of flames.
* Variant: (灬 biāo, hǒu - 4 strokes: dian, dian, dian, dian)
* Word detail:
* (huǒ): fire, flame, burn; urgent; KangXi radical 86
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(85-4) 水 * thủy

::: 水   水   水   水   水   水   水   水 :::(shǔi) thủy:::
::: 氵   氵   氵   氵   氵   氵   氵   氵 :::(Keyboard: 氵 San dian shui er san )
* Character detail:
Bộ 水 (shǔi): water; thủy -->> ý nghĩa: nước
* Stroke: shu gou, heng pie, pie, na (4 strokes) (Giữa trước, 2 bên sau; Phảy trước Mác sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of flowing water.
* Variant: (氵- 3 chấm thủy; 3 strokes: dian, dian, ti)
* Word detail:
* (shǔi): water, river; KangXi radical 85
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(84-4) 气 khí

::: 气   气   气   气   气   气   气   气 :::(qì) khí:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 气 (qì): steam; khí -->> ý nghĩa: hơi nước
* Stroke: pie, heng, heng, heng wan gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of airflow.
- See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (qì): steam, vapour (vapor), air, breath, gas; KangXi radical 84
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* (氣) Trad.; (气) Simp.

(83-4) 氏 thị

::: 氏   氏   氏   氏   氏   氏   氏   氏 :::(shì) thị:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 氏 (shì, zhī, jīng): thị -->> ý nghĩa: họ
* Stroke: pie, shu ti, heng, xie gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Originally, a picture of clan totem on a post.
* Word detail:
* (shì): clan name; KangXi radical 83
* (zhī): see 月氏 and 閼氏 
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(82-4) 毛 mao

::: 毛   毛   毛   毛   毛   毛   毛   毛 :::(máo) mao:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 毛 (máo, mào): fur, hair; mao -->> ý nghĩa: lông
* Stroke: pie, heng, heng, shu wan gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a feather.
* Word detail:
* (máo): fur; KangXi radical 82
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(81-4) 比 tỷ

::: 比   比   比   比   比   比   比   比 :::(bǐ) tỷ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 比 (bǐ,, , ): comparison, to compare; tỷ -->> ý nghĩa: so sánh
* Stroke: heng, shu ti, pie, shu wan gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Two persons comparing each other.
* Word detail:
* (bǐ): to compare, comparison; KangXi radical 81
* (): to be near
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(80-4) 毋 vô

::: 毋   毋   毋   毋   毋   毋   毋   毋 :::(wú) vô:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 毋 (wú, móu): do not; not; vô -->> ý nghĩa: chớ, đừng
* Stroke: shu zhe, heng zhe gou, heng, pie (4 strokes) (Ngang trước Phảy sau)
* Word detail:
* (wú): not; KangXi radical 80
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

07 March, 2011

(79-4) 殳 thù

::: 殳   殳   殳   殳   殳   殳   殳   殳 :::(shū) thù:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 殳 (shū): thù -->> ý nghĩa: binh khí dài
* Stroke: pie, heng zhe wan gou, heng pie, na (4 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Hand (and, again) holding a weapon (small table).
* Word detail:
* (shū): spear, name of a weapon; KangXi radical 79
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(78-4) 歹 đãi

::: 歹   歹   歹   歹   歹   歹   歹   歹 :::(dǎi) đãi:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 歹 (dǎi, è, dāi): bad; đãi -->> ý nghĩa: xấu xa, tệ hại
* Stroke: heng, pie, heng pie, dian (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a corpse.
* Word detail:
* (dǎi): bad; KangXi radical 78
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(77-4) 止 chỉ

::: 止   止   止   止   止   止   止   止 :::(zhǐ) chỉ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 止 (zhǐ): stop; chỉ -->> ý nghĩa: dừng lại
* Stroke: shu (long), heng, shu (short), heng (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. (Tượng hình) Picture of a foot.
- (假借) Phonetic Loan. (Giả tá) Original form of (toes).
* Word detail:
* (zhǐ): to stop; only; KangXi radical 77
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

03 March, 2011

(76-4) 欠 khiếm

::: 欠   欠   欠   欠   欠   欠   欠   欠 :::(qiàn) khiếm:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 欠 (qiàn, quē): khiếm -->> ý nghĩa:  khiếm khuyết, thiếu vắng
* Stroke: pie, heng gou, pie, na (4 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Man blowing , representing 'to yawn' (ngáp).
* Word detail:
* (qiàn): lack; KangXi radical 76
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

02 March, 2011

(75-4) 木 mộc

::: 木   木   木   木   木   木   木   木 :::(mù) mộc:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 木 (mù): mộc -->> ý nghĩa: gỗ, cây cối
* Stroke: heng, shu, pie, na (4 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Sổ sau; Phảy trước Mác sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a tree with branches extending outwards and roots extending downwards (like a banyan tree - cây đa, cây bồ đề).
* Word detail:
* (mù): mộc; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音; KangXi radical 75
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(74-4) 月 nguyệt

::: 月   月   月   月   月   月   月   月 :::(yuè) nguyệt:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 月 (yuè): moon; nguyệt -->> ý nghĩa: tháng, mặt trăng
* Stroke: pie, heng zhe gou, heng, heng (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a crescent moon. As a character component, the similarly looking component (a modified form of ) is often written identically to . (Cho nên lưu ý điều này khỏi nhầm)
* Word detail:
* (yuè): moon, month; KangXi radical 74
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

01 March, 2011

(73-4) 曰 viết

::: 曰   曰   曰   曰   曰   曰   曰   曰 :::(yuē) viết:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 曰 (yuē): viết -->> ý nghĩa: nói rằng
* Stroke: shu, heng zhe, heng, heng (4 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Từ ngoài vào trong, sau cùng bịt đáy)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. (Chỉ sự) Picture of mouth with indicator mark pointing to source of speech.
* Word detail:
* (yuē): to speak, to say; KangXi radical 73
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(72-4) 日 nhật

::: 日   日   日   日   日   日   日   日 :::(rì) nhật:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 日 (rì, mì): nhật -->> ý nghĩa: ngày, mặt trời
* Stroke: shu, heng zhe, heng, heng (4 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngoài vào trong, sau cùng bịt đáy)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of the sun, which rises every day.
* Word detail:
* (rì): sun, day, daytime; abbr. for 日本 Japan; KangXi radical 72
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(71-4) 无 vô

::: 无   无   无   无   无   无   无   无 :::(wú) vô:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 无 (wú, mó): negative, not; vô -->> ý nghĩa: không
* Stroke: heng, heng, pie, shu wan gou (4 strokes)
* Note: See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (wú): vô; KangXi radical 71
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(70-4) 方 phương

::: 方   方   方   方   方   方   方   方 :::(fāng) phương:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 方 (fāng, fēng, páng, wǎng): square; local; phương -->> ý nghĩa: vuông
* Stroke: dian, heng, pie, heng zhe gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. Picture of a knife with an indicator mark pointing to the handle (original meaning: handle of a knife).
* Word detail:
* (fāng): square; KangXi radical 70
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(69-4) 斤 cân

::: 斤   斤   斤   斤   斤   斤   斤   斤 :::(jīn) cân:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 斤 (jīn): cân -->> ý nghĩa: cái búa, rìu
* Stroke: pie, pie, heng, shu (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an ax.
* Word detail:
* (jīn): an axe; weight equal to 0.5kg; KangXi radical 69
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(68-4) 斗 đẩu

::: 斗   斗   斗   斗   斗   斗   斗   斗 :::(dǒu) đẩu:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 斗 (dǒu, dòu): đẩu -->> ý nghĩa: cái đấu để đong (gạo, thóc,...)
* Stroke: dian, dian, heng, shu (4 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Sổ sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a measuring dipper.
- See , to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (dǒu: Chinese peck, liquid measure; KangXi radical 68
* (dòu)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(67-4) 文 văn

::: 文   文   文   文   文   文   文   文 :::(wén) văn:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 文 (wén, wèn): văn -->> ý nghĩa: văn vẻ, văn chương, vẻ sáng
* Stroke: dian, heng, pie, na (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. (Tượng hình) Picture of a tattooed chest, representing its former meaning of "tattoo".
* Word detail:
* (wén): literature, culture, writing, văn; KangXi radical 67
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(66-4) 攴 * phộc

::: 攴   攴   攴   攴   攴   攴   攴   攴 :::(pū) phộc:::
攵   攵   攵   攵   攵   攵   攵   攵 :::(suī)
* Character detail:
Bộ 攴 (, ): phộc -->> ý nghĩa: đánh khẽ
* Stroke: shu, heng, heng pie, na (4 strokes)
* Variant: (攵 suī - 4 strokes: pie, heng, pie, na)
* Word detail:
* (, ): tap lightly; KangXi radical 66
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(65-4) 支 chi

::: 支   支   支   支   支   支   支   支 :::(zhī) chi:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 支 (zhī): chi -->> ý nghĩa: cành nhánh
* Stroke: heng, shu, heng pie, na (4 strokes)
* Note:
  1. (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Hand holding a tree branch .
  2. (形声) Pictophonetic. (Hình thanh) (again) suggests the meaning while provides the sound.
  3. (假借) Phonetic Loan. (Giả tá) Original form of .
* Word detail:
* (zhī): KangXi radical 65
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(64-4) 手 * thủ

::: 手   手   手   手   手   手   手   手 :::(shǒu) thủ:::
::: 扌   扌   扌   扌   扌   扌   扌   扌 :::
* Character detail:
Bộ 手 (shǒu): hand; thủ -->> ý nghĩa: tay
* Stroke: pie, heng, heng, shu gou (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an open hand.
* Variant: (扌- 3 strokes: heng, shu gou, ti)
* Word detail:
* (shǒu): thủ; KangXi radical 64
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(63-4) 戶 s. hộ

::: 戶   戶   戶   戶   戶   戶   戶   戶 :::(hù) hộ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 戶 (hù): hộ -->> ý nghĩa: cửa một cánh
* Stroke: pie, pie, heng zhe, heng (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a door.
* Word detail:
* (hù): hộ, door; KangXi radical 63
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* Traditional:
* Simplified: 户 (4 strokes: dian, pie, heng zhe, heng)

(62-4) 戈 qua

::: 戈   戈   戈   戈   戈   戈   戈   戈 :::(gē) qua:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 戈 (gē): qua -->> ý nghĩa: cây qua (một thứ binh khí dài)
* Stroke: heng, xie gou, pie, dian (4 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a halberd.
* Word detail:
* (gē): halberd, spear, lance (cái qua, kích - vũ khí); KangXi radical 62
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(61-3) 心 * tâm

::: 心   心   心   心   心   心   心   心 :::(xīn) tâm:::
::: 忄   忄   忄   忄   忄   忄   忄   忄 :::
* Character detail:
Bộ 心 (xīn): tâm -->> ý nghĩa: quả tim, tâm trí, tấm lòng
* Stroke: dian, wo gou (hoặc là shu wan gou tùy phong cách viết), dian, dian (4 strokes). Cá nhân mình thì thik 'wo gou' (nét choãi móc) hay còn gọi là 'ping gou' (nét bình câu) trông đẹp hơn. Tất nhiên còn tùy phong cách viết chữ.
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a heart.
* Variant: (忄)
* Word detail:
* (xīn): heart, mind, intelligence, soul; KangXi radical 61
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(60-3) 彳 xích

::: 彳   彳   彳   彳   彳   彳   彳   彳 :::(chì) xích:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 彳 (chì): step with left foot; xích -->> ý nghĩa: bước chân trái
* Stroke: pie, pie, shu (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (chì): step with left foot; KangXi radical 60
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(59-3) 彡 sam

::: 彡   彡   彡   彡   彡   彡   彡   彡 :::(shān) sam:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 彡 (shān, xiān): hair; sam -->> ý nghĩa: lông tóc dài
* Stroke: pie, pie, pie (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (shān): hair, sam; KangXi radical 59
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(58-3) 彐 * kệ

::: 彐   彐   彐   彐   彐    彐   彐   彐 :::(jì) kệ:::
::: 彑   彑   彑   彑   彑   彑   彑   彑 :::(jì)
* Character detail:
Bộ 彐 (jì): snout; kệ -->> ý nghĩa: đầu con nhím
* Stroke: heng zhe, heng, heng (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a snout. As a character component, it is often used to represent a hand.
* Variant: (彑 jì - 3 strokes: shu zhe, heng zhe, heng)
* Word detail:
* (jì): kệ, snout; KangXi radical 58
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(57-3) 弓 cung

::: 弓   弓   弓   弓   弓   弓   弓   弓 :::(gōng) cung:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 弓 (gōng): bow; cung -->> ý nghĩa: cái cung (để bắn tên)
* Stroke: heng zhe, heng, shu zhe zhe gou (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a bow, the string is no longer visible in the current form.
* Word detail:
* (gōng): bow, curved, arched; KangXi radical 57
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(56-3) 弋 dặc

::: 弋   弋   弋   弋   弋   弋   弋   弋 :::(yì) dặc:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 弋 (yì): dặc -->> ý nghĩa: bắn, chiếm lấy
* Stroke: heng, xie gou, dian (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an arrow being shot from a bow.
* Word detail:
* (yì): to shoot, catch, arrest, shoot with bow; KangXi radical 56
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(55-3) 廾 củng

::: 廾   廾   廾   廾   廾   廾   廾   廾 :::(gǒng) củng:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 廾 (gǒng): củng -->> ý nghĩa: chắp tay (2 tay; chắp 2 tay)
* Stroke: heng, pie, shu (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (gǒng): 2 hands; KangXi radical 55
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(54-3) 廴 dẫn

::: 廴   廴   廴   廴   廴   廴   廴   廴 :::(yǐn) dẫn:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 廴 (yǐn): dẫn -->> ý nghĩa: bước dài 
* Stroke: heng pie, heng pie, na (3 strokes) E hèm, 'heng pie' rồi lại 'heng pie'. 2 nét 'heng pie' liền nhau (xem ra hơi hơi giống nét 'heng zhe zhe pie' nhỉ).
* Word detail:
* (yǐn): go, bước dài; KangXi radical 54
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(53-3) 广 nghiễm

::: 广   广   广   广   广   广   广   广 :::(yǎn) nghiễm
* Character detail:
Bộ 广 (yǎn, ān, guǎng): nghiễm -->> ý nghĩa: mái nhà
* Stroke: dian, heng, pie (3 strokes)
* Note: See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* 广 (yǎn): nghiễm, KangXi radical 53
* 广 (guǎng): wide, quảng
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(52-3) 幺 yêu

::: 幺   幺   幺   幺   幺   幺   幺   幺 :::(yāo) yêu:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 幺 (yāo): tiny, small; yêu -->> ý nghĩa: nhỏ nhắn
* Stroke: pie zhe, pie zhe, dian (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a few strands of silk (sợi tơ), which exemplifies something very tiny.
- See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (yāo): tiny; KangXi radical 52
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(51-3) 干 can

::: 干   干   干   干   干   干   干   干 :::(gān) can:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 干 (gān, gàn, hán): dry, invade, offend; can -->> ý nghĩa: thiên can, can dự
* Stroke: heng, heng, shu (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Sổ sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a Y-shaped weapon.
- See , to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (gān): can, KangXi radical 51
* (gàn)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(50-3) 巾 cân

::: 巾   巾   巾   巾   巾   巾   巾   巾 :::(jīn) cân:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 巾 (jīn): kerchief; cân -->> ý nghĩa: cái khăn
* Stroke: shu, heng zhe gou, shu (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a towel hanging from a rack (giá phơi, dây phơi).
* Word detail:
* (jīn): towel, kerchief; KangXi radical 50
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(49-3) 己 kỷ

::: 己   己   己   己   己   己   己   己 :::(jǐ) kỷ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 己 (jǐ): self, oneself; kỷ -->> ý nghĩa: bản thân mình
* Stroke: heng zhe, heng, shu wan gou (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (jǐ): self, oneself; KangXi radical 49
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(48-3) 工 công

::: 工   工   工   工   工   工   工   工 :::(gōng) công:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 工 (gōng): labor, work; công -->> ý nghĩa: người thợ, công việc
* Stroke: heng, shu, heng (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a carpenter's square.
* Word detail:
* (gōng): work, KangXi radical 48
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(47-3) 川 ** xuyên

::: 川   川   川   川   川   川   川   川 :::(chuān) xuyên:::
::: 巛   巛   巛   巛   巛   巛   巛   巛 :::(chuān, kūn)
::: 巜   巜   巜   巜   巜   巜   巜   巜 :::(guì, kuài)
* Character detail:
Bộ 川 (chuān): river, stream; xuyên -->> ý nghĩa: sông ngòi
* Stroke: pie, shu, shu (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a river.
* Variants: (巛) (巜 guì, kuài)
* 巛 (chuān, kūn): river (3 strokes: pie dian, pie dian, pie dian)
* Word detail:
* (chuān): river; KangXi radical 47; abbr. for Sichuan Province 四川 in southwest China
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(46-3) 山 sơn

::: 山   山   山   山   山   山   山   山 :::(shān) sơn:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 山 (shān): mountain; sơn -->> ý nghĩa: núi non
* Stroke: shu (long), shu zhe, shu (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of mountain peaks.
* Word detail:
* (shān): mountain; KangXi radical 46
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(45-3) 屮 triệt

::: 屮   屮   屮   屮   屮   屮   屮   屮 :::(chè; cǎo) triệt:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 屮 (chè; cǎo): sprout; triệt -->> ý nghĩa: mầm non, cỏ non mới mọc
* Stroke: shu zhe, shu, shu (long) (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (chè): sprout; KangXi radical 45
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(44-3) 尸 thi

::: 尸   尸   尸   尸   尸   尸   尸   尸 :::(shī) thi:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 尸 (shī): corpse (xác chết, thây ma); thi -->> ý nghĩa: xác chết, thây ma
* Stroke: heng zhe, heng, pie (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a person lying down.
- See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
* Word detail:
* (shī): corspe; KangXi radical 44
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(43-3) 尢 * uông

::: 尢   尢   尢   尢   尢   尢   尢   尢 :::(wāng) uông:::
::: 尣   尣   尣   尣   尣   尣   尣   尣 :::(wāng)
* Character detail:
Bộ 尢 (wāng, yóu): weak; lame; uông -->> ý nghĩa: yếu đuối
* Stroke: heng, pie, shu wan gou (3 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. Person with a broken leg. (lame)
* Variant: () (wāng) lame (4 strokes) (dian, dian, pie, shu wan gou)
* Word detail:
* (wāng): lame; KangXi radical 43
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(42-3) 小 tiểu

::: 小   小   小   小   小   小   小   小 :::(xiǎo) tiểu:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 小 (xiǎo): small; tiểu -->> ý nghĩa: nhỏ bé
* Stroke: shu gou, dian, dian (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Giữa trước, 2 bên sau)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. Something divided (bā) (number 8; all around; all sides) into pieces by a tool .
* Word detail:
* (xiǎo) (a): small, tiny; KangXi radical 42
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(41-3) 寸 thốn

::: 寸   寸   寸   寸   寸   寸   寸   寸:::(cùn) thốn:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 寸 (cùn): inch; thốn (đơn vị đo chiều dài) -->> ý nghĩa: đơn vị 'tấc' (đo chiều dài)
* Stroke: heng, shu gou, dian (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Sổ sau)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. A hand with the indicator mark pointing to the wrist, which is about an inch away.
* Word detail:
* (cùn): thốn, inch; KangXi radical 41
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(40-3) 宀 miên

::: 宀   宀   宀   宀   宀   宀   宀   宀 :::(mián) miên:::(Keyboard: 宀 Bao gai er bao)
* Character detail:
Bộ 宀 (mián): roof; miên -->> ý nghĩa: mái nhà, mái che
* Stroke: dian, dian, heng gou (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (mián): roof; KangXi radical 40; occurring in , , etc; see also (寶蓋)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(39-3) 子 tử

::: 子   子   子   子   子   子   子   子 :::(zǐ) tử:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 子 (zǐ, zi): child; tử -->> ý nghĩa: con; tiếng tôn xưng: 'Thầy', 'Ngài'
* Stroke: heng gou, shu gou, heng (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of baby with outstretched arms, legs still hidden by a blanket.
- Its inverted image is ��.
* Word detail:
* (zǐ): child; seed; egg; small thing; 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat; Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位); KangXi radical 39
* (zi): (noun suffix)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(38-3) 女 nữ

::: 女   女   女   女   女   女   女   女:::(nǚ) nữ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 女 (nǚ): woman, female; nữ -->> ý nghĩa: nữ giới, con gái, đàn bà
* Stroke: pie dian, pie, heng (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a seated woman.
* Word detail:
* (nǚ): woman, female, daughter, nữ; KangXi radical 38
* (): archaic variant of ()
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(37-3) 大 đại

::: 大   大   大   大   大   大   大   大 :::(dà) đại:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 大 (dà, dài, tài): big; đại -->> ý nghĩa: to lớn
* Stroke: heng, pie, na (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a man with outstretched arms to make himself look big. As a character component, often used to mean man, not big.
* Word detail:
* (dà): big, huge; KangXi radical 37; see (大夫)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(36-3) 夕 tịch

::: 夕   夕   夕   夕   夕   夕   夕   夕 :::(xì, xī) tịch:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 夕 (xì, xī): evening; tịch -->> ý nghĩa: đêm tối
* Stroke: pie (duan pie), heng pie, dian (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an early evening half moon (hence less bright than ).
* Word detail:
* (): dusk (chạng vạng, xẩm tối), evening; KangXi radical 36
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(35-3) 夊 tuy

::: 夊   夊   夊   夊   夊   夊   夊   夊 :::(sūi) tuy:::[BOTTOM] (see 34)
* Character detail:
Bộ 夊 (sūi): go slowly; tuy -->> ý nghĩa: đi chậm
* Stroke: pie (duan pie), heng pie, na (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (sūi): see (); KangXi radical 35
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(34-3) 夂 trĩ

::: 夂   夂   夂   夂   夂   夂   夂   夂 :::(zhǐ) trĩ:::[TOP] (see 35)
* Character detail:
Bộ 夂 (zhǐ): go; trĩ -->> ý nghĩa: đến ở phía sau
* Stroke: pie (duan pie), heng pie, na (3 strokes)
* Word detail:
* (zhǐ): 'walk slowly' component in Chinese characters (KangXi radical 34); see also (冬字頭)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(33-3) 士 sĩ

::: 士   士   士   士   士   士   士   士 :::(shì) sĩ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 士 (shì): scholar; sĩ -->> ý nghĩa: kẻ sĩ
* Stroke: heng, shu, heng (3 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a common ax. Compare with .
* Word detail:
* (shì): scholar; sĩ; KangXi radical 33
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(32-3) 土 thổ

::: 土   土   土   土   土   土   土   土 :::(tǔ) thổ:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 土 (tǔ): soil, earth; thổ -->> ý nghĩa: đất
* Stroke: heng, shu, heng (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Sổ sau, Từ trên xuống dưới)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. A mound on the ground .
* Word detail:
* (tǔ): soil, earth, items made of soil; KangXi radical 32; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音; Tu (ethnic group)
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(31-3) 囗 vi

::: 囗   囗   囗   囗   囗   囗   囗   囗 :::(wéi) vi:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 囗 (wéi): enclosure (đất có rào xung quanh...); vi -->> ý nghĩa: vây quanh
* Stroke: shu, heng zhe, heng (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Bịt đáy sau cùng) Thắc mắc: Chữ 口 (kǒu) khác gì chữ 囗 (wéi) về cách viết nhỉ??? (Chữ vi to hơn chữ khẩu à?)
* Note: (指事) Indicative. Picture of an walled area. As a character component, used to indicate some kind of enclosure.
* Word detail:
* (wéi): enclosure; KangXi radical 31
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(30-3) 口 khẩu

::: 口   口   口   口   口   口   口   口 :::(kǒu) khẩu:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 口 (kǒu): mouth; khẩu -->> ý nghĩa: cái miệng
* Stroke: shu, heng zhe, heng (3 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Bịt đáy sau cùng)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of an open mouth. As a character component, it may be used for its box shape rather than its meaning.
* Word detail:
* (kǒu): khẩu; KangXi radical 30
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(29-2) 又 hựu

::: 又   又   又   又   又   又   又   又 :::(yòu) hựu:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 又 (yòu): again; hựu -->> ý nghĩa: lại nữa, một lần nữa
* Stroke: heng pie, na (2 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a right hand, which is used again and again
* Word detail:
* (yòu): again, also, lại một lần nữa; KangXi radical 29
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(28-2) 厶 tư (khư)

::: 厶   厶   厶   厶    厶    厶   厶   厶 :::(sī) khư, tư:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 厶 (sī, mǒu): private; khư, tư -->> ý nghĩa: riêng tư
* Stroke: pie zhe, dian (2 strokes)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of silk cocoon (cái vỏ kén, cái kén tằm).
* Word detail:
* (sī): private, secret; KangXi radical 28
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

(27-2) 厂 hán

(Commons) Mình để ý thấy
nét Heng hay được ưu tiên
viết trước các nét khác
như Shu, Pie nhỉ.
::: 厂   厂   厂   厂   厂   厂   厂   厂 :::(hàn, ān, chǎng) hán:::
* Character detail:
Bộ 厂 (hàn, ān, chǎng): cliff; factory; hán -->> ý nghĩa: sườn núi, vách đá
* Stroke: heng, pie (2 strokes) (Thứ tự nét: Ngang trước Phẩy sau)
* Note: (象形) Pictographic. Picture of a cliff.
- The mirror image of this character is .
- See to see etymology for traditional form of this character.
- Simplified form of . Created as unique simplification #27 ( » ).
* Word detail:
* (hǎn): (cliff) KangXi radical 27; occurring in , , etc
* (chǎng): factory; xưởng
* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* same

Symbols used in this blog:

Symbols: ©» «
s. = simplified
tr. = traditional
:::Nắm rõ về nét & Writing Practice:::
*** (chinese-tools.com) Các loại dian, pie, ...
*** (chinese-names.net) Heng zhe gou...
*** (daytodayinchina.com) Chinese Mandarin...
**** (clearchinese.com/chinese-writing) Heng zhe...
*** (ask.com/wiki/Stroke) đầy đủ tổng cộng 37 nét tất cả (8 + 29 = 37 strokes)
*** (genevachineseforkids.net) 30 strokes
* (jjeasychinese.com) Bài luyện tập thực hành viết chữ Hán cho trẻ em
* (chinese-forums.com) Thảo luận
* (classicalmedicine.wordpress.com/strokes) tập viết
**** (learnchineseabc.com) writing & pronunciation. Đặc biệt hỗ trợ Doodle Program với bút lông để người học tập viết (giông giống của Skritter)
* (commons.wikimedia.org) 214 bộ thủ và cách viết từng bộ một
***** (chinesepod.com) FOR THE LOVE OF HANZI (214 bushou & how to write)
:::Reading Practice & Speaking Practice:::
***** (learnnc.org) Đại học Bắc Carolina; Words with 'er' sound

8+29=37 strokes (wikipedia)