::: 韋 韋 韋 韋 韋 韋 韋 韋 :::(wéi) vi:::
::: 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 :::(wéi)
* Stroke: heng zhe, shu, heng, shu, heng zhe, heng, heng, shu zhe, shu (9 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Feet 㐄 and inverted 㐄 walking in opposite directions around 口. (Những bước chân đi vây quanh thành)
- (假借) Phonetic Loan. Original form of 違 (disobey - không tuân theo, không vâng lời).
* Simplified: (韦 - 4 strokes: heng, heng, heng zhe gou, shu)
::: 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 :::(wéi)
* Character detail:
Bộ 韋 (wéi, huí): tanned leather; vi -->> ý nghĩa: da đã thuộc rồi* Stroke: heng zhe, shu, heng, shu, heng zhe, heng, heng, shu zhe, shu (9 strokes)
* Note: (会意) Associative Compound. (Hội ý) Feet 㐄 and inverted 㐄 walking in opposite directions around 口. (Những bước chân đi vây quanh thành)
- (假借) Phonetic Loan. Original form of 違 (disobey - không tuân theo, không vâng lời).
* Simplified: (韦 - 4 strokes: heng, heng, heng zhe gou, shu)
* Word detail:
* 韋 (wéi): soft leather; KangXi radical 178* Traditional vs. Simplified:
* Traditional (韋); Simplified (韦)
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